A Statement... of sorrow, of solidarity

As feminists, trans, and queer, scholars working in the Program in Gender and Women’s Studies, 我们想在已经就亚特兰大枪击事件发表的声明中加入我们的文字和声音. 

首先,我们向亚特兰大枪击案受害者的家人和亲人表达我们的爱. 我们也表达我们的支持,并希望看到我们的亚洲和亚裔美国学生的悲伤, 教职员工有自己的针对性刻板印象的经历, racialization, sexual violence, as well as gaslighting and diminution of their experiences. 作为你们社区的成员,我们想确认你们可能正在经历恐惧, grief, triggered memories, concern for yourself and loved ones, 我们想证实并见证这些(再)创伤性事件是基于不可否认的真实的历史经历. You are not alone.

We also send our love to students, faculty, and staff, 谁曾经从事或目前可能从事性工作. 性工作者是我们的社区,性工作是真正的工作,应该像其他形式的工作一样受到法律的结构性保护. We see you. You are not alone.

Among the over 500,000 deaths in the U.S. 由于COVID-19病毒——这种病毒也被种族主义挑衅者称为“中国病毒”和“武汉病毒”,并对有色人种社区造成了不成比例的影响——我们哀悼 冯道友,Grant Hyun Jung, Kim Suncha, Paul Andre Michels, Soon C. Park, Xiaojie “Emily” Tan, Delaina Ashley Yaun, and Yong A. Yue. We understand the murders of these eight community members, six of whom were Asian women, 这是一年来与大流行有关的反亚洲袭击激增的一部分. 亚特兰大按摩院枪击案也必须放在针对亚洲女性的种族暴力的更长的历史背景中. 将枪手定性为性成瘾者是忽略了助长他性观念的种族主义厌女症. 说他经历了“糟糕的一天”,就是忽视了一个多世纪以来,强迫性交易给亚洲的军事入侵和占领蒙上了阴影,并继续告诉人们,亚洲女性是如何处于种族化性经济的特别恶毒的炼金术中. 

We write in solidarity, rage, and grief with Asian and Asian American communities, women, queer, trans, and nonbinary folks, sex workers, service workers, the unhoused, unbanked, and undocumented, immigrants and refugees, and all who are targeted by racist sexual violence. 我们注意到,将性工作定义为罪恶或道德败坏, often with the cooperation of feminists, 已经产生了一种法律结构,在这种法律结构中,对这些最脆弱的工人的暴力行为是法律默许的. Sex work is dangerous work because it is criminalized, consigned to an underground economy, and framed as moral failing. As such, 我们不能容忍通过增加警力来解决这种种族化和性暴力. Instead we assert that sex work needs to be validated as work, 并且需要以这样一种方式得到支持,从而将性工作者的劳工权利和安全的倡导者带到前台. As Dr. Mimi Thi Nguyen points out, “将性工作定为犯罪是将移民运动定为犯罪的核心.” 

下面我们列出了可以捐赠的资源,或者可以继续接受教育的资源. Even as we expect the national news to move on, and the spotlight of concern to fade, 我们鼓励我们的同事加入我们,深化我们的承诺,理解和打击反亚洲和性工作者暴力的所有复杂性.


University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign: AAS/GWS反亚裔暴力声明|性别学系 & Women Studies at Illinois

University of Colorado, Boulder: 种族研究系和妇女与性别研究系关于亚特兰大亚洲妇女被杀事件的声明

Barnard Center for Research on Women: Defending Asian women, defending sex workers

University of Southern California: http://dornsife.usc.edu/genderstudies/

Working List of Resources: 
Red Canary Song:跨国反袭击组织,致力于将性工作合法化,并支持纽约市的移民和亚洲性工作者. 

Butterfly:由性工作者、社会工作者、法律和保健专业人员组成的组织. 它为亚洲和移徙性工作者的权利提供支持和倡导. 该组织建立在性工作者有权得到尊重和基本人权的信念之上. Butterfly asserts that, regardless of their immigration status, 亚洲和移民性工作者应该像对待所有其他工作者一样对待.

SWAN Vancouver:通过提供支持服务和系统宣传,支持从事室内性工作的移民和移民妇女. 


Sex Workers Project: an organization supporting legal services, advocacy, education, media, 组织一场运动来保护性工作者的人权.

Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity: serves victims and survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, 以及爱荷华州亚裔和太平洋岛民社区的人口贩卖. 


亚洲和太平洋岛民终止性暴力全国组织: Monsoon(上图)下的一个项目,帮助“当地和国际社区项目和政府组织”为美国API社区的性暴力受害者提供服务.S., U.S. Territories in the Pacific, and Asia.


AAPI Women Lead:通过研讨会和研究支持亚太裔妇女和女孩, and promotes movements such as #ImReady, 哪些解决了社区中的性别歧视和种族歧视以及性骚扰等问题.

National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum:通过生殖健康增强亚太裔以及妇女和女孩的权能, economic justice, immigrant rights, and more. (You can also support the Atlanta chapter to uplift local efforts in the wake of the shooting.)

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta:一个保护亚裔美国人权利的非营利性法律倡导组织, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in Georgia and the Southeast.

Asian Prisoner Support Committee:提高人们对加州逮捕和驱逐亚太裔人士的意识.

APIENC: 这是一个支持湾区亚太裔酷儿和跨性别社区的组织.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice- LA Based Chapter

Asian American Feminist Collective:一个专注于探索身份的交叉女权主义团体, building community, political education, and advocacy.

Asian American Advocacy Fund: 亚裔美国人倡导基金的使命是倡导亚裔美国人的公民权和人权, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians in Georgia. Through a combination of policy advocacy at local, state, and federal levels, and by supporting candidates that believe in our values, we fight to create a better Georgia for us all.