Japanese Exam Information

All students who wish to enroll in a course in Japanese and who have had any previous experience whatsoever in the language which they plan to study must take the placement examination.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the placement test results, please answer the questions to the best of your ability without consulting dictionaries, notes, or other forms of reference.

The Japanese placement exam is in two parts:

Part 1 (grammar/written) will be on Sakai, available the week of July 08th. You should complete the test by the end of the day on Thursday, August 08th.

After you have completed Part 1, you will be contacted by one of the Japanese instructors for Part 2, which will include an oral interview.

For the Korean placement exam, please contact Prof. Minju Kim at Claremont McKenna College at Minju.Kim@ClaremontMcKenna.edu

General Online Exam Instructions

The tests on Sakai will be available beginning July 08th and the ending varies by language.

Accessing the Online Placement Exams

For the online exams, direct your browser to the Sakai site and perform the following:

  1. Click on "Login" in the upper right corner.
  2. Then choose the name of your College from the pull-down menu under "Please select Your College."
  3. Then log in with your College Login ID.
  4. Reminder: you do need to have set up your College email in order to access the Sakai sites.

If you encounter difficulties logging into Sakai, you can contact your College ITS Help Desk: