
Pomona College EcoNews Bulletin

October 19, 2023
在10月22日星期日的沃克跳蚤市场,我们将免费派发可重复使用的食物节约袋. Come stop by to learn more about the Sustainability Office, current/ongoing projects, EcoReps, and more. The flea market will take place at Walker Hall from 3-6pm. 我们还鼓励每个人有意识地考虑在十月份购买有机食品! 
Snapshots From Our Garden Focaccia Event on Oct. 6!
EcoReps María和Betsy为大约12名学生举办了一个有机蔬菜佛卡夏制作活动, who signed up on a first-come, first-serve basis. 可持续发展办公室为学生们提供了所有的食材和烹饪用品, especially with help from the Cookware Checkout program,学生可以在那里购买烹饪或烘焙用品.  每个学生设计完自己的素食佛卡夏面包后,我们把面包放进烤箱烘烤. While waiting, 我们观看了南希·西弗顿大厨的餐桌节目,以强调当地厨师的故事,以及了解食物来源的重要性. Stay tuned for more fun events!  
This newsletter's environmental activity feature: 悉尼台(PO'26)和EA之旅的阿玛戈萨盆地在莫哈韦沙漠
Students trying the world famous date shakes

During the weekend of October 6th, 在沙漠保护研讨会上,一群环境分析专业的学生来到了死亡谷国家公园以南莫哈韦沙漠中的阿玛戈萨盆地. 这次旅行的一个亮点是参观家族经营的中国大牧场枣农场. After a winding drive down to the bottom of a dirt canyon, 最后一个弯道展现出一幅超现实的景象,出乎意料地郁郁葱葱:一排排高大的绿色椰枣. 独特的位置在一个绿洲中,地下水聚集,允许植被生长, China Ranch is truly a must-see ecological gem in the desert. If you are in the area or on the way to Death Valley National Park, stop by to browse the gift shop, 在他们的面包店吃点东西(他们的椰枣奶昔是世界闻名的,他们的素食咖啡是必须尝试的), or take a scenic hike along Amargosa River. 


The owner of China Ranch, Brian Brown, 在恶劣的沙漠中靠每年运送数千磅的椰枣和出售椰枣树来维持生计. However, date-farming is highly labor intensive. As Brian looks to retire, 班上的几名学生正在帮助他探索如何维护中国牧场的环境遗产. 目前正在讨论的想法包括将其改造成一个“豪华露营”Airbnb网站或教育推广中心. 了解更多关于中国牧场的信息,并随时了解其未来发展, be sure to follow them on Instagram: (

Student Feature: Hannah Hughes (PO '25)
汉娜·休斯(25岁)在大二开始时创办了5C植物使命组织,目的是“在校园里为植物主义者建立社区”,并“提高人们对工厂化农业的认识”.”  Before getting to Pomona, 汉娜在她的高中领导了一个以植物为基础的俱乐部,并通过素食主义与可持续行动主义联系在一起. 她知道她想在大学里继续她的激情,并结识其他关心食物可持续发展的人. While leading 5C Plant-Based Mission, 汉娜能够在校园里组织各种以植物为基础的活动, 比如上学期在cafe47举办的地球月默认燕麦牛奶活动,以及在弗兰克餐厅举办的4/7素食节,有300多人参加. Outside of Pomona, 汉娜是工厂化农业意识联盟(FFAC)的领导集体研究员, 她在哪里与国家动物保护组织合作. If you would like to get involved with 5C Plant-Based Mission, 请在Instagram上关注@5c_plantbased_mission或通过电子邮件加入俱乐部邮件列表
Upcoming Events
To submit an event to our biweekly newsletter please fill out this google form! 

每周环境分析学习小食|周二晚上8点在The Hive

Introducing EA snack! Every week on Tuesday at 8 PM, find us in the EA lounge @ the Hive! Come out to hangout/do work/meet new people and get free snacks! For more info follow @5c_environmentalanalysis


Celebrating the 78th Birthday of the United Nations | Thursday, October 26, 6 pm – 8 pm Edmunds Ballroom

克莱蒙特七所学院的学生-免费(由赞助商提供). Reservations required by October 19 at


October Walker Flea Market | October 22, 3-6 pm

Buy homemade, 周日,来自沃克跳蚤市场的5C名学生创造的物品, October 22 from 3-6 pm at Walker Beach. 出售的物品包括衣服、钩针编织和手工珠宝. 从EcoReps获得免费的食物节约产品,与我们一起开始可持续的学期, buying sustainably, and enjoying some live tunes! 

Funding & Job Opportunities
要向我们的双周通讯提交工作或资助机会,请填写 this google form!


Join the Campus Climate Network | No deadline

校园气候网络正在振兴学生气候运动. 他们的目标是建立一个由学生领导的气候正义团体组成的国际联盟,努力切断与化石燃料行业及其推动者的联系. They provide students with the training, resources, 他们需要联系,在校园里开展获胜的活动,成为下一代气候正义的领导者. 


MAP Fellowship | Applications due: October 20

莫里奇加速计划(MAP)奖学金是一个为期六个月的项目,面向那些对社会影响充满热情并希望提高专业技能的职业生涯早期到中期的变革者, widen their network, and collaborate with influential nonprofit executives, known as MAP Mentors. 每位导师都提出了他们的非营利组织目前面临的一个现实世界的挑战,一个匹配的MAP研究员承诺解决这个挑战. While driving impact for nonprofits, MAP Fellows gain elite mentorship, travel, speaking and networking opportunities, and access to a tight-knit group of supportive peers. 《皇冠体育app》称MAP奖学金是“一个促进合作和创新思维的强大机会”. Apply here ( by October 20, 2023.


总统可持续发展基金(PSF)每年为学生的校园可持续发展项目拨款7500美元. These projects seek to protect our natural environment, promote human and ecological health, 并推动经济和创新的方式来满足当前人类的需求, while not compromising the ability of future generations to do so. More information here.


Walker Book Room & Free Room Hours:
Tuesday 6-9pm | Thursday 7-9pm | Sunday 6-9pm

我们的Instagram账户是了解EcoReps发生的一切的最佳场所! Give us a follow @pomonaecoreps!

想写一篇关于环境的文章,并在下一版的公报上刊登? Do you have an eco-tip people can follow while at home? Share it with us! Email us at

EcoReps正在向总统可持续发展基金申请资助在皇冠体育餐厅实施可重复使用筷子的试点项目. We want to include student input in our proposal. Make your voice heard, fill out the form!
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