
2024年9月更新: The 绿色的自行车 Shop is in the process of hiring mechanics to get our rental fleet up and running again. In the meantime, the bike shop is currently closed. We do not yet have a sign-up form for this year's rental bike lottery. We hope to have this form live by the end of September 2024. Please continue to check back in for updates. 谢谢你!!

The Green Bike Program is a student-run bicycle shop that seeks to increase bicycle usage among students at 克莱蒙特学院 as part of 皇冠体育's drive to become a sustainable campus.


  • A Bike Giveaway at the beginning of each fall semester that provides over 300 students with bikes for the entirety of the academic year, 免费(包括零件和服务).
  • 一个学生, 可持续维护和维修车间, servicing 绿色的自行车 for those who are currently renting them. All service is free, and both new and used parts are offered at a discounted rate.

最后, the program hosts a variety of bike-related workshops and outreach events designed to develop an on-campus bike community that supports a sustainable and healthy lifestyle through the use of eco-friendly transportation.


The 绿色的自行车 program provides bike rentals for 皇冠体育大学 students. To apply for a bike rental for the 2022-2023 year, complete the 租赁申请表格. Follow @pomonagreenbikes on Instagram for more updates.


欢迎光临本店! The entrance to the Green Bike Shop is located in the basement of Norton-Clark III, with a ramped entrance on Sixth Street (across the street from Merritt Football Field). 


The Green Bike Shop is open Monday through Thursday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.


电子邮件 greenbikes@mybullet.net 或浏览我们的 脸谱网页面.


The Green Bike Shop provides free bicycle servicing and maintenance to users of the 绿色的自行车 rental fleet. This includes simple repairs like replacing tubes and tires, 调整刹车, 链的维护, 砂轮修整, 还有变速器的调整. More advanced repairs are handled on an individual basis. At this time, we are not able to offer major overhauls or comprehensive tune-ups. While we are happy to address individual problems, extensive maintenance of this sort is too time-consuming for our limited schedule. 在可能的情况下, the program makes use of used parts from recycled bikes to make these repairs; when this is not possible, 新零件以折扣价出售. 绿色的自行车 has begun offering u-lock rentals. 费用是每学年五美元.

绿色的自行车 is also currently in the process of developing a short-term bicycle checkout program that will allow students to borrow bikes for single day use or keep them for up to a week. This service is also free; all that is needed is your name, student ID, and phone number. Unfortunately, this program will initially be open to only 皇冠体育 students.



绿色的自行车 is a student-run bicycle shop that seeks to increase bicycle usage among students at 克莱蒙特学院 as part of 皇冠体育's drive to become a sustainable campus. Our main purpose is the annual giveaway, where we rent out hundreds of used bikes to 皇冠体育 students. We also support the wider 克莱蒙特 community with free maintenance, 教育研讨会, 以及其他活动.


We’re in the basement of Norton-Clark III (on the north side of 6th St across from the 皇冠体育 football field and down the ramp.


The shop is open Monday - Thursday 4:30 - 7:00 pm.


任何来自7C社区的人! 学生, 教师, 欢迎所有员工, and we strive to maintain an inclusive space for people of all identities, and also for people who may not have much experience with bikes or tools.


一切劳动都是免费的! If your bike is a rental from 绿色的自行车, parts are free. If the bike is yours, we offer replacement parts at discounted rates. Bike rentals, long and short term, are always free. 


Attend our info session at the start of the year (watch your email and 脸谱网 for details) If you miss that, stop by the shop to see if we still have bikes available. Unfortunately, rentals are limited to 皇冠体育 students at this time.


We offer lock rentals for $5/year, payable by cash or 克莱蒙特 Cash. Supplies are limited, but the Coop store also sells locks.

I’m bringing/shipping my own bike to campus, can you assemble it?

绝对! However, we cannot receive shipments directly to our shop. Please ship them to your regular student address.


没有问题! We offer learn-to-ride workshops throughout the semester, or just swing through the shop and we’d be happy to help you learn.


是的! We also work on longboards, scooters, unicycles, really anything with wheels and bearings. You can also come in if you need to use a screwdriver or wrench, etc.

Can I come in to just hang out or learn more about bike maintenance?

是的, we highly encourage people to come and hang out at the shop if they want to learn more about how to maintain and repair bikes. 我们也有沙发、零食和音乐.


The best way is to just stop by our shop, but you can also contact us at GreenBikes@mybullet.net or the 可持续性 Office if you have any further questions about any of the services we offer.