
While CSWIM Partners provide academic and curricular support in written, 口服, 以及视觉交流, they also provide general support and a sense of being part of something, 某个地方的. 从深层次上讲,他们的工作是关于社区和合作的. They are humans with experience at 皇冠体育大学 who are ready and willing to be there to support their peers. We encourage all students to visit the Center because collaboration is at the heart of what we all do

We accept 应用程序s for the upcoming academic year in late February/early March. 电子邮件 cswim@mybullet.net 加入我们的兴趣名单.



学生 can come to the CSWIM with writing of any kind and at any stage of the writing process, 从头脑风暴到精雕细琢. 写作伙伴提供一对一的协作咨询, 研讨会, and write-ins on all forms of writing across all of the disciplines. They also support writing in many of the languages other than English represented at the Colleges, 我们推崇多语制和翻译教学法.


Recognizing that a small liberal arts college environment takes dialogic, 会话式学习是不言自明的, 说话的伙伴 support speaking in several key ways: they offer help on formal and public presentations; they help with practicing and refining interview skills; they help students prepare to lead class discussions and otherwise facilitate 口服 communication in classroom and extra-curricular spaces. They help students navigate this discussion-rich environment by helping them prepare to join class discussions, 协商快节奏的互动, and think in nuanced ways about what “participation” can mean in a dialogue or a classroom.


影像合作伙伴支持视觉素养, 修辞, 文化, and working with images by helping students to think carefully and creatively about the relationship between image and text, 关于视觉作为一种交流形式. 他们帮助学生写关于视觉表现的文章, and help them use images to supplement or replace writing and speaking. They take the image-saturated environment of the 21st century as a given and work collaboratively with students to communicate effectively in that environment.


教师 across the college can request to work with a dedicated Writing, 说话, 或他们课程的形象合作伙伴. 而CSWIM的长期工作人员在中心有定期轮班, working with students on a wide variety of projects from courses across the disciplines, 附加的合作伙伴 collaborate with the faculty member they’re paired with to support students in one specific class across multiple assignments. The time commitment varies based on the demands of the course and assignment deadlines. 附加的合作伙伴 communicate with the faculty member about the role they will play and set their own schedules for meetings with students.


All of our Partners are hired for their openness to new ways of thinking and engaging, and for their ability to listen and read thoughtfully and sensitively. The first semester of their employment they take English 87: Writing Theories, 流程, 和实践, 修辞学研讨会, 教育学, 相互依赖的交流形式, 机构, 和权力. 除了这个基础, they can elect to take an additional ad hoc “Seminar on Oral Communication” in the fall semester, 或者春季的“阅读形象”研讨会. 除了定期培训,我们还提供这些付费研讨会, 员工会议, 签到, 还有反思的空间. But perhaps the best training the students get is in doing this work as a community, 相互学习. Partners typically work one to two 3-hour shifts per week in the CSWIM, and many also work as 附加的合作伙伴 to ID1 sections and other courses across the disciplines.


CSWIM Partners include students majoring in almost every department, and every Partner works with writing and other projects from all different disciplines. 伙伴是同辈的读者、听众和导师. We look for students who can reflect thoughtfully on the process of writing and communication and can talk about that process with their peers. 合作伙伴被训练以细致入微和包容的方式思考, to help students navigate the various and sometimes contradictory demands of communicating in college, 并帮助同龄人实现他们自己的声音, 目标, 和风格.

每年春天, we begin the recruitment and hiring of a new cohort of Partners for the following academic year. 在2月份, 我们会给所有学生发一封邮件,邀请他们申请, and we solicit nominations from faculty and staff across the College. The CSWIM also hosts an open house for interested candidates to learn more about the role and 应用程序 process. Due to the intensive training process involved in the first year of working as a CSWIM Partner, we especially encourage 应用程序s from rising sophomores and juniors with the hope that they will be able to continue in the role for the rest of their time at 皇冠体育. Rising seniors may also apply but may be more likely to be considered for a role as an Attached Partner working with a specific course.

作为你的 应用程序,您将提供:

  • a cover letter, including name of two faculty references (皇冠体育 or 5C)
  • 你的简历
  • 对简短反思问题的回答
  • 如果申请成为形象合作伙伴, 我们要求你也包括你的视觉作品(艺术)的例子, 摄影, 视频, 平面设计, 或其他项目)

你可以 在这里找到更详细的应用说明.

在Instagram上与我们保持联系 @cswimstagram 或电子邮件 cswim@mybullet.net 欲知更多申请详情.

Applications are reviewed by a hiring committee of senior staff and CSWIM Head Partners, and candidates will be contacted by late March to hear if they have advanced to the interview stage. Interviews are conducted in time for us to extend offers before the fall course registration deadline, since all new Partners will need to register for the mandatory training course, 英语87:写作:理论, 流程, 和实践.