也请参考 教师手册[pdf] (第二章, 段D, 叶子 of Absence) for a more comprehensive description of leave eligibility and requirements.




Sabbatical leaves are opportunities for faculty members on continuing appointments to further their development as teacher-scholars, 对自己和学院都有好处. 因此, faculty are encouraged to take sabbaticals on a regular basis and should apply for a sabbatical leave only if they are returning to the College after the leave.  Eligibility to apply for a sabbatical leave is a function of rank and of semesters spent in full-time teaching service to the College. 

所有符合条件的教员, upon completion of six semesters of teaching at the College at the rank of Assistant Professor or above, may apply to take a leave for research or other scholarly activity on one of the following plans:



所有符合条件的教员, upon completion of twelve semesters of teaching at the College at the rank of Assistant Professor or above, may apply to take a leave for research or other scholarly activity on one of the following plans:


(b)    Seventh Year Without Subvention for one semester on full salary or one year on half salary;



教师 will not be penalized for taking a seventh semester sabbatical later than the seventh semester if such a delayed leave accommodates departmental needs.


如果申请在10月截止日期前收到, leave-without-pay for a semester or a year may be granted to faculty members who have special opportunities for study or research at times when they are not regularly eligible for sabbatical leave.  Leave without pay for a semester or a year may be requested without regard to rank or term of service, but no combination of sabbatical leave and leaves without pay can exceed two years of continuous absence. 这些休假期不计入将来的休假. Those granted such leaves are not eligible for 皇冠体育大学 research or travel grants during the time of the leave without pay; in addition, 除非在特殊情况下所述的奖学金休假, the College will assume no responsibility for a faculty member's benefit payments during a leave without pay. The College's policy on leaves-without-pay for purposes other than professional development (such as medical or family leave) is described in Chapter II, 部分E, 这本手册.


Sabbatical leaves count toward the date of consideration for tenure and promotion to full professor, 但无薪休假通常会推迟这些考虑. 教师 members are required to be in full-time service at least two continuous full years between any two periods of leave.


教师 members applying for sabbatical subventions and junior faculty applying for Steele sabbatical leaves are required to seek outside support from one external source. 反馈 from applications to outside funding agencies can yield helpful advice from colleagues and lead to refinement of the leave project. The online application for sabbatical leave includes space to identify the external source(s) to which the faculty member have applied or plan to apply.  补助金申请必须包括在休假申请内.  The Associate Dean's office can provide assistance in locating funding sources and making applications.


A new link to the web application will be emailed to all faculty members at the beginning of the Fall semester. 在线申请包括从下拉框中选择答案, 一些需要简短回答的问题, 并上传PDF文件的字段. 附件和所需信息的核对表如下.


  • 你申请的学期/期间和休假类型
  • 用一到三句话概括你的休假计划
  • Information pertaining to at least one External Grant Application (required for subvention requests and 斯蒂尔的叶子)
  • 基金会或资助机构名称
  • 描述上次休假期间的成就,以及出版作品、展览等的清单. 由于上次休假
  • 请假的目的和学习计划, 描述项目的意义和方法
  • 当前简历


希望申请休假的教员, 斯蒂尔的叶子, 或者在下一学年的一个学期或两个学期无薪离校, 或从第二年春天开始的整个日历年, 必须在10月初提交网上申请吗. Because of the extensive approval process and the date of the Trustees' meeting at which formal approval is given, 在最后期限前完成任务是非常重要的. 截止日期后收到的申请 将不予考虑. A deadline in the Fall term preceding the year of a requested leave permits orderly planning for possible faculty replacements by the department and Dean's Office. 同样重要的是, it enables faculty to submit applications for outside funding well ahead of a planned sabbatical. Please note that you must submit a formal leave request whether or not you have secured sources of external funding to support your proposed leave.

The deadline for notifying the Dean's Office about whether an approved leave will not be taken is in January. 这个截止日期使编制人员的预算规划程序能够顺利进行.


所有类型的休假申请都由研究委员会审查, 学院人事委员会, 内阁, 以及校董会学术事务委员会.

The Research Committee reviews proposed leave projects to ensure that the College makes the best possible use of resources set aside for scholarly activity and for individual faculty development.  The Committee's participation in the approval process enables it to assess the merits of proposals and to provide guidance designed to assist faculty in refining their research plans.

The 教师 Personnel Committee reviews leave proposals with respect to their departmental and collegiate personnel implications.

Applications must be submitted online no later than the annual deadline in the Associate Dean's application announcement message - this year, 2024年10月7日. This deadline allows adequate time for review and advice to applicants by the above bodies. 在此日期之后的请假申请将不予受理.

当审批过程完成时, leave applicants will be notified and reminded of some follow-up information they'll need to provide the Dean's Office regarding salary options and office space needs.