
We look forward to learning more about your goals, 你的想法和不断发展的自我通过阅读你的申请皇冠体育大学. Our application review process does not rely on cut-offs or formulas. Instead, 我们考虑许多因素,因为我们决定你的学术准备和适合皇冠体育:你的课程和成绩, evaluations by teachers and counselors, your activities and talents, and your essays. 我们也会根据具体情况来考察每个申请人:你的学校有哪些课程? What is the college-going culture at your school? 哪些特殊的挑战或环境支持或阻碍了你的表现? 我们鼓励您通过与我们分享对您最有意义的活动来使用您的申请来真实地展示自己, what goals motivate you and what ideas get you excited.

Our Application Review Process


Courses Taken

我们建议学生在高中每学期完成四到五门学术课程, with four years of English, natural science and mathematics. 我们建议其中两门科学课程是实验科学,对STEM专业感兴趣的学生可以学习微积分. 此外,我们建议外语和社会科学各修三年. However, 这些不是入学要求,而是为皇冠体育课程做最好准备的建议.

If you have been home-schooled or have pursued a unique educational path, contact us about submitting other evidence of your academic preparation for college.

Rigor Of Curriculum

在高中学习过挑战性课程并取得成功的学生更有可能为皇冠体育的课程做好准备. However, if you attend a school that does not offer advanced course options, you will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process. 我们也不期望或要求申请人以最高的严格程度参加每门课程, but to challenge themselves where appropriate. In evaluating your curriculum, we consider what courses are available to you (including honors, AP, IB and other advanced designations) and your own choices. Typically, we have a profile of your school, 这表明有哪些课程是可用的,以及你在课程方面有多少选择, but if you feel the need to explain any of your choices, feel welcome to do so.


Your GPA is a number, not a statement about your potential. 除了GPA,我们还会仔细查看申请者的成绩单,以了解他们的学习成绩. Grades matter, but we also consider trends and patterns in grades, the rigor of your curriculum and your course choices. We are looking for evidence of your academic aptitude and achievement, and grades are part of this evaluation.


我们要求您提供两封您所修课程的老师的推荐信. 询问老师谁最能说明你的课堂表现:你在哪堂课上做出了最有意义的贡献? Try your hardest? Collaborate the most successfully? 我们希望你能向我们展示你希望在皇冠体育成为什么样的学生,让你的老师与我们分享更多关于你的信息. We also ask for a counselor recommendation, 作为辅导员,你可以作为一名学生在学校里与你交谈,而不仅仅是在课堂上, but in your athletic, musical or club engagements, and in the hallways and sometimes community at large. If your school is large, and your counselor does not know you well, this will not disadvantage you in the admissions process.


The personal essay, as well as the Pomona-specific essays, 帮助我们考虑申请人是否适合皇冠体育大学的创新和合作文化. If you think of your application as a novel about you, in which you are the central character, the essays are where you can speak directly to us in your own voice. 你的老师和辅导员在课堂上和学校里都向我们介绍过你, your transcript has told us something about your academic preparation, 但我们渴望直接听到你的消息,以便我们更好地了解你作为一个人. 我们看重的不仅仅是强有力的写作,还有个人的声音、激情和深思熟虑. What do you care about? What do you wonder about? How have you responded to events in your life? 我们很荣幸能阅读您的文章,并期待通过它们与您见面.

对于申请2025年秋季入学的学生,皇冠体育大学特定的论文提示包括一份学术兴趣声明(最多不超过100份). 150 words); a short-response essay (max. 150 words); and a longer-response essay (max. 250 words).

(1)学术兴趣陈述:你喜欢你选择作为潜在专业的学科的哪些方面?? If undecided, share more about one of your academic passions.


  • At Pomona, we celebrate and identify with the number 47. 与我们分享一个你古怪的个人、家庭或社区传统,以及你为什么坚持下去.
  • What item are you excited to bring with you to college?
  • Describe a time when you felt empowered or on top of the world?

(3)长文(long - response Essay):选择回答以下三个提示中的一个,字数不超过250字:

  • 在过去的几年里,有没有什么事情改变了你的想法? Why?
  • Reflecting on a community that you are part of, 你会把那个社区的什么价值观或观点带到皇冠体育?
  • 你有什么优点或品质是大多数人可能看不到或不认识的?


当谈到“适合”时,我们并不是说所有皇冠体育学生都是一样的. Far from it. Each is different, with diverse talents and perspectives that, when gathered into a community, creates excitement, 创新和不断前进:当你的室友来自不同的文化背景, has different abilities than yours, and pursues a different academic path, you will have a lot to learn from each other! 因此,我们在整个申请过程中寻找各种品质的证据,包括:

  • Intellectually Capable & Academically Committed. We look for evidence that applicants are academically prepared for Pomona.
  • Probing Inquiry & Creative Learning. We look for evidence of intellectual curiosity, enthusiasm and/or passion for learning, as well as the creativity associated with the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Commitment to Collaborative Engagement & Perspective. 我们希望了解申请人的生活经历,以及他们对合作和参与不同观点社区的承诺.
  • Investment in Community / Network Builder. 我们希望更多地了解申请人如何在课堂外与团体和/或社区互动并做出贡献.
  • Personal Traits. 我们希望更多地了解申请人的个人或性格特征,以评估他们如何为皇冠体育社区做出贡献.

Application Type

我们鼓励学生查看皇冠体育接受的不同申请类型,并选择最能展示他们能力的申请类型. 皇冠体育大学在通用申请和申请联盟之间没有优先选择. Pomona is also a QuestBridge College Partner, 所以学生可以通过QuestBridge National College Match或QuestBridge application申请皇冠体育大学.

Pomona Affiliation

当申请询问你是否有亲戚在皇冠体育学院就读和/或工作时, 我们不会将此信息用于评估目的或基于此信息给予申请人任何优惠待遇. As has been the practice for many years, 皇冠体育大学在录取过程中不考虑遗产或捐赠者附属身份.

Privacy Statement

Pomona College maintains a robust privacy policy that guides the work of the Office of Admissions.

除了大学范围内的政策,皇冠体育办公室保持 its own policy with regard to student privacy.