Special Majors Theses

Melissa Bottrell, Bioethics/PPA, 1992
Becoming Citizens: An Examination of the Patient Self Determination Act and its Implementation

Natalya Braxton, special major in Neuroscience/PPA, 2023
Evaluating the Implementation of Trauma Unformed Schooling in Practices in 克莱蒙特 Unified School District

Mariana Olga Cisneros, special major in Chicano/a/ &Latino/a/PPA, 2018
“在LAK 'ECH. Tu eres mi otro yo. You are my other me”: Supporting Trans Youth of Color in Education

比尔交叉, Environmental Studies/PPA, 1981
Wild Horses and Burros on Public Lands: A Case Study in Resource Management

Ellelan Degife, Special Major Global Health/PPA, 2018
Getting PrEPared: Barriers to Access of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Los Angeles County. 

萨拉·埃利斯, Environmental Studies/PPA, 1981
Management Issues in the Sea Otter/ Shellfish Fisheries Conflict in California

凯瑟琳·贾尔斯, Special Major (American Studies), 2001
Discipline and Democracy: The Conflict Between Zero Tolerance Exclusion Policies and Universal Education

Rose Imani Green, Economic Development through Non-Profit Organizations/PPA, 2012
Nonprofit Management: A Guide to and Individualized, Holistic Approach to Efficiency and Effectiveness in Small 501(c)(3) Organizations.

*艾米·霍夫曼, Art History/PPA, 1999
Landscapes of Learning

Kayleen Holloway, American Studies/PPA, 1984
The Technology Education Act: American Society Reflected in Public Policy

*艾莉森的脚腕, Americans Institutions Concentration/PPA, 1977
National Health Insurance

杰西卡·拉德, Human Sexuality/PPA, 2008
Condoms and Corrections: Condom Distribution Policy in California Correctional Facilities

Galen Wan Mind Leung, Health Studies/PPA, 1982
Criteria For Decision Making: Detrimental Health Effects of Air Pollutants

Abigail Loiselle, special major in Neuroscience/PPA, 2023
In the Name of the Game: Utilizing Neuroscience to Inform Eating Disorder Policy in College Athletes

凯利麦克休, Special Major in Public Health/PPA, 2019 
Building the Plane While Flying It: Implementation and Backwards Mapping in the MAMA’s Visits Perinatal Program of LA County

Lorayne Meltzer, American Studies/PPA, 1981
Discussions of Policy to Preserve Agricultural Land From Urbanization

塔拉·米勒, Development/PPA, 2014
"When Invisible Wounds of War Lead Them Astray:" An Analysis of War and the 法律 System as Barriers to Justice in Veterans Treatment Courts

Anna Motschenbacher, Geology/PPA, 2003
When Global Issues Become Local: Reframing Climate Change Throughout Inuit Observations

Krista Perreira, Health Public Policy, 1991
Uncompensated Health Care and Reimbursement Patterns: A Case Study of One Voluntary Hospital in Southern California

Kameelah Rasheed, Africa/African Diaspora/PPA, 2006
IKEA, 首页 Depot, Four Seasons, Oh My? East Palo Alto and Exclusionary Displacement

莱拉鲁芬,, Gender and Women's Studies/PPA, 2022
That Which Follows the Doctrine: Parsing the Afterlife of Partus Sequitur Ventrem in California’s Contemporary Maternal Health Public Policy Response

Natalie Sokol-Snyder, special major in Gender & Women's Studies/PPA, 2023
Everybody has a Body: Towards a Radical Health Curriculum for Pre-Service Teachers and Kindergarteners in California

*Mitchell Stoltz, Computer Science/PPA, 1999
The Open-Source Revolution: Transforming the Software Industry with Help from the Government

保罗•沙利文 International Relations, 1992
Integration Trade and Environment in US-Latin American Policy Making

Sharlene汤姆, American Studies/PPA, 1981
Crime on American Mass Transit Systems

贾米尔Toubassi, ppe, 1991
Unemployment Insurance: The Work Distinctive Effect and Suggested Policy Manifestations

Karen Van de Velde, Contemporary Agriculture Planning/PPA, 1983
Public Policy and the Structure of American Agriculture

中联科利Vu, Art History/PPA, 1992
Public Policy and Ideological Keywords

Michelle Wilson, Religious Studies/PPA, 2003
Transforming Urban Neighborhoods: Religious Engagement in Social Problem Solving

凯伦·赖特, American Studies/PPA, 1983
The Forest Service: Overgrown with Tradition? Has the Tradition of the Past Stifled the Work of Today?

*denotes theses currently missing from the PPA library