Faculty Fund for Collaboration and Innovation

The generosity of alumni Osman Kibar (’92) and Sam and Emily Glick (’04) has enabled the Office of the Dean of the College to launch the Faculty Fund for Collaboration and Innovation.

Each year, the Fund will make resources available to faculty for creative and research collaborative projects among two or more Pomona College faculty across disciplines from different departments or programs. Preference in awarding grants will be given to new collaborations and to those individuals who have not been previously funded by the Fund or similar funds. For half of the funds available, preference will also be given to projects that contribute to technological innovation across the disciplines. Consideration will be given to multi-year collaborations and start-up funding of larger projects.

The Dean’s Office expects to award two grants each year for a total of $40,000. Tenured, tenure-track and multi-year visiting professors are eligible to apply (for the latter, provided the time frame of the project is consistent with their employment contracts).

Eligible expenses are similar to those of Large Research Grants.

Applications for funding should be submitted via SM Apply. They should contain a narrative of the project, a description of the project’s intended benefits in terms of faculty collaboration (and, if applicable, innovation), and a detailed budget. Research proposals will be evaluated and grants awarded by the Research Committee before the end of Spring semester. Grants will be administered by the office of the Vice President and Dean of the College.