What is the SURP deadline?

Monday, January 30, 2023.

Who is eligible?

Current Pomona students who are returning in the fall.

Students must also be in good standing with the college.

Is my proposal a Research Assistantship or a Summer Project?

如果你的项目是由皇冠体育学院的一位教员设计并指导的, it is a Research Assistantship. All other projects are considered Summer Projects.

Can I apply for a Research Assistantship and a Summer Project?

No, only one application per student is allowed.

How do I apply for a SURP?

Applicants must complete on an online application through SM Apply


学生应该确定他们感兴趣的领域的教师,并直接与他们联系, well before the application deadline, 讨论研究助理奖学金的选择和计划的研究计划. 指导研究助理的教师有自己的SURP申请要完成.

If I am doing research with a faculty member at another institution, is that considered a Research Assistantship or Summer Project?

皇冠体育学院以外的研究助理奖学金感兴趣的学生应该首先从他们将协助的外部首席研究员那里或通过他们寻求资金. 对于不能由主办机构资助的项目,并且在皇冠体育不能提供, the opportunity would be considered a Summer Project, 需要皇冠体育大学教职员工的认可和外部研究人员的推荐.

Can my project involve international travel?

Yes. Be advised that U.S. 国务院的旅行建议将会被考虑在内. 

Note that the 皇冠体育学院皇冠体育资助的国际学生旅行的政策 has been revised as of October 2022. If your project is outside the United States, 请填写一份初步的旅行表格(链接中的第2-4页)并上传至您的申请程序.

Can I participate in SURP and another funded summer opportunity?




What should my Research Assistant proposal look like?

研究助理建议应基于学生和皇冠体育学院成员之间的讨论. Faculty and Students complete their own applications, and Students can use the Faculty member's core project description. 学生申请还要求学生描述他们对项目的个人贡献,以及拟议的经历将如何提高他们的皇冠体育学院教育.

What should my Summer Project proposal look like?

提案叙述应该提供项目目标和具体目的的大纲, what resources contributed to the project, research design and methods, and projected outcomes. 审稿人通常不熟悉主题, so we encourage students to use lay terms.


Each student applicant must prepare their own unique application. 重复申请(即两名学生的申请完全相同)将不被接受. 作为一个团队的学生应该每个人解释他们在项目中的角色, 如果不是所有的团队成员都得到资助,这个项目将如何运作.

If I am doing research with a faculty mentor at another institution, do I still need a Pomona faculty mentor?

所有的SURP学生都需要一位皇冠体育学院的导师,即使你在另一个机构有导师. 学生应该经常与他们的皇冠体育教师导师联系,让他们了解项目的状态.



Can a visiting professor be a faculty mentor?


Who reviews the SURP applications?


What happens if I am awarded a SURP?

如果学生和他们的导师获得了SURP,他们将被通知. 学生有一个星期的时间接受或拒绝他们的SURP奖励. 被拒绝的奖学金将提供给候补名单上的学生.

What happens if I am placed on the waitlist?

研究委员会将与您联系,以确定您是否愿意留在候补名单上或拒绝. 当获奖学生拒绝他们的SURP时,可以获得额外的SURP资金. When this happens, 研究委员会将重新调整这些资金与候补名单上的下一个合格候选人. 学生应该预计在候补名单上停留大约两周. After this period, 您将收到通知,如果一个奖项已经可用,或者如果您的项目在这个奖项周期中被拒绝.

我们的许多捐赠基金都有限制,限制了它们的用途, 因此,委员会必须审查候选名单上的候选人,不仅要看他们的能力, but also that they meet the requirements of the available funds. For this reason, 候补名单是没有顺序的,候补名单上的学生不能得到任何估计,他们的项目有多大可能得到资助.


SURP只适用于下一个秋季学期入学的学生. 学生在毕业后的夏季没有资格获得SURP资助. However, 感兴趣的高年级学生可以检查是否可以在部门或特定教员(例如, if they have a student wage line on an external grant.)

What is the duration of the SURP?

SURPs can be anywhere between 4-8 weeks in length. 项目最早可以在开学后一周开始,不迟于8月的第二周结束. Dates outside of this timeframe require prior approval. Contact to initiate an approval request.

What is the amount of a SURP Award?

SURP 2023 will fund all students at $700 per week.

I was awarded a 6 week SURP but was unable to finish my research, can I extend my SURP an additional 2 weeks?

SURP的资金从一开始就根据拟议项目的可行性决定. 虽然我们鼓励你完成你的项目,但我们不会提供额外的资金. 对于已成为较长项目或已成为高级练习的项目,仍需要在夏季经验研讨会上提交最后报告.

Who should I contact for additional SURP questions?

Andy Schuster, Grants Administrator.