Application of Knowledge and Skills from Major Field of Study: What theories, 概念, and/or skills have you learned in your classes that will apply in this internship? 在现实世界中应用?

  1. All my film studies classes' close-reading and visual analysis skills will be put to use in this internship. My classroom experience of analyzing points of identification, 叙事结构, framing and the politics/ideology behind these decisions will come into play as I make acquisition recommendations.
  2. Through my ID 1 class I have learned to critically evaluate and synthesize information. During my internship I hope to develop and refine these skills. My methods will include 1) Researching relevant topics related to my employer’s industry. 2) Writing an intern handbook to help future interns navigate company policies and responsibilities. 列举与你的学习领域相关的其他课程. 
  3. My mathematics classes have taught me the importance of critical thinking and thinking through a problem comprehensively to find a solution. 在这个实习过程中, I believe I will be able to apply the skills I have learned to predict future revenues and analyze other financial outcomes.

New Skills and/or Knowledge Acquisition: List new skills or knowledge you hope to gain through your internship experience? These can be soft, personal or professional skills, more comprehensive knowledge of an industry.

  1. I wish to practice translating academic analysis into commercially oriented analysis, 想想这两者的相似之处, 以及它们的不同之处. I would especially like to practice these analytical skills in a team context, 这样我的分析才能与他人互动. This will be facilitated by the team conference calls with our superior discussing our analysis for the week.
  2. I hope to refine my Microsoft Excel and public speaking skills. I will work toward my goals of refining my Microsoft Excel skills by participating in office trainings, checking-in with my supervisor and/or colleagues weekly to learn new functions and formulas relevant to my work. I will work toward my goals of refining my public speaking skills by attending presentations to observe characteristics of strong public speakers, preparing materials for weekly meetings and speaking up when I have an idea I think is useful to the group. 
  3. I have always been curious about the inner workings of the golf industry. My time at the PGA Tour will give me a better understanding of the sports industry in general and the golf industry in particular. 在实习期间, I hope to home my networking and communication skills by interacting with managers in the industry.

Career Development Goals: Explain your current career goals and how you think this internship will further those goals. What attributes do you think you need to develop to be successful in that career?

  1. 毕业后,我想在这个领域工作, 为发行商和营销人员分析电影和/或剧本, 但对新闻媒体也有潜在影响. I will need work experience in the field to generate an impressive portfolio that will demonstrate my professionalism outside of a college setting -- which this internship will provide.
  2. I will work toward my goal of gaining a clearer understanding of the specific skills and attributes needed to be successful as an 紧急 Room nurse. I will volunteer for shifts in the ER and attend required trainings. 我会对急诊室的护士进行信息采访. 我将展示我在轮班期间学到的技能. I will schedule an appointment with a career counselor to discuss my goals. 参加相关专业协会.
  3. 我的目标是毕业后在体育行业工作. This internship will give me valuable experience related to the golf industry and further exposure to other facets of the sports industry and thus further my career in sports management.

Liberal Arts Application and Personal Growth Goals: How will this opportunity help you to clarify your professional aspirations, 加深你的价值观, expand your interests and help you to achieve your full potential?

  1. Flix Premiere's focus on supporting underseen indie cinema is a value I share, and the internship will help me see how that value can be practiced in a commercially viable way. I would especially like to sharpen my sensibilities about the politics of the entertainment we consume, 以及这将如何影响收购决策.
  2. I will learn to have an appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives. I will work toward meeting my goal of having an appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives by, intentionally meeting with people from diverse backgrounds other than my own, attending events that are outside of my regular routine and comfort zone, demonstrating sensitivity to alternative views and perspectives, 并反思我在实习网站上的观察.
  3. 在这个实习过程中, I will meet people from all across the world which will give me an appreciation of the diversity that exists in the golf industry and provide me opportunities to develop my communications skills with people from different backgrounds.