
2018年4月,皇冠体育学院校长加布里埃尔·斯塔尔成立了性暴力干预咨询委员会 & 由苏·麦卡锡共同主持, 副院长/第九条协调员和乌娜·艾森施塔特, Fred Krinsky犹太研究教授和宗教研究教授, 由受托人组成, 教师, 教职员及学生.

委员会第一次会议于2018年5月举行. 在这次会议上, 斯塔尔校长向委员会提供了他们的职责,并要求他们在每学期结束时报告他们的进展,并在2018-2019学年结束时提交最终报告. 委员会负责:

  • 识别现有障碍, 预防方面的挑战和差距, 报告, and response to sexual misconduct; and developing recommendations for effectively addressing campus needs in these areas.
  • 评估现有政策, 实践, infrastructure and culture to reduce the incidence of misconduct and ensure best 实践 and compliance (with assistance from legal experts in the area of sexual misconduct) with applicable federal and state law; and advising the College in preparing necessary or desired revisions to the policy and procedures.
  • Identifying opportunities and strategies to foster both internal and external partnerships that create a coordinated response to sexual misconduct; promoting a climate of safety and awareness; and monitoring incidents of sexual misconduct.
  • Exploring best 实践 and making recommendations to: 1) enhance support and services for victims/survivors; 2) engage stakeholders in the implementation phase of recommendations; 3) integrate assessment and feedback mechanisms into our policies, 流程, 项目, 和实践.
