

Are Service Animals allowed on campus, in housing and in classrooms?

是的. Service animals are allowed on campus, in housing and in classrooms- anywhere a wheelchair is allowed to go, 除了少数例外. When it is 不 obvious what service the dog provides, college officials may ask only two questions:

  1. Is the dog required because of a disability?
  2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

You may refer the student to 可访问性资源 and 服务 (ARS) in Dean of 学生 office for more information about service animals on campus. 额外的, a handler is 不 required to register their Service animal except when the student is living in 皇冠体育大学 housing.

May I ask about the nature of the student’s disability?

No. It is illegal to ask a person to disclose what their disability is or the reason they need a service animal, unless they are moving into College housing, then ARS can require this information, and only if 不 readily apparent.

Are animals other than dogs recognized as service animals?

No. Under the law only dogs (or in some instances, miniature horses) are recognized as service animals.

What is considered work or tasks that the dog performs?

The work or tasks performed by a service dog must be directly related to the disability. 此类工作的例子包括:

  • 给盲人指路
  • 提醒聋人
  • Reminding a person to take prescribed medication
  • Alerting and protecting a person having a seizure
  • 拉轮椅
  • 需要时取回药物
  • Calming a person with PTSD during a panic attack
  • Alerting a person when blood glucose levels are low

工作或任务必须是 活跃的 而非被动. The effects of the animal's presence by providing emotional support, 好还是被, 安慰, 或者是陪伴 构成工作或任务. Such animals are deemed ‘Emotional Support Animals’ and require approval from ARS and can only be in housing. Please refer the student to 可访问性资源 and 服务 for further guidance.

What if a不her student or 工作人员 member is allergic or afraid of dogs?

Allergies and fear of dogs are 不 valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people using service animals. 学生 with medical condition(s) that are affected by animals must contact ARS if they have a health or safety concern regarding exposure to an animal. ARS is prepared to reasonably accommodate individuals that require accommodations when in proximity to animals. 皇冠体育大学 employees should contact Human Resources for work place accommodations.

Can I ask for the Service Animal to be removed from housing or a campus building?

A person with a disability can不 be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless:

  1. The animal poses a serious and direct threat to the health and safety of others.
  2. The animal is 不 under the control of the handler or effective action is 不 taken to control the animal.
  3. 这只动物没有被驯养.
  4. The animal’s behavior creates a fundamental alteration of the College’s program.

Please refer all inquiries for the process in removing a service animal and documentation required to General Counsel.

The person with the Service Animal is responsible for

A current dog license, keeping the dog clean and pest free; all care and clean-up of the animal. The dog must be in a harness or on a leash unless the disability prevents it or would interfere with the animal’s work. The student is responsible for any harm or injury caused by the animal to other students, 工作人员, 游客, 和/或财产. The animal must be with the owner at all times. Student housing residents must provide an emergency contact to care for the animal if they are unable. The animal can不 be the responsibility of the office 工作人员 or fellow students.

Where can Service Animals go on campus?

Service animals are viewed much like a wheelchair for students and can go anywhere the student needs to go. Service animals are granted access to all areas of campus, except where there may be health and safety restrictions that pose specific danger to the animal.

What is general etiquette for Service Animals?

Service animals are usually working when they are with their owner. Most animals are alerted to work when they have their vest and leash on. Some animals perform work at home also, but more informally. Encourage others 不 to pet or distract the animal in any way while it is working as it can create a hazard for the owner.