Guidelines for 教师 搜索es 和 Recruiting

Even though the timetable for each search may be different, here are each of the steps constituted in the process of a search. 有些步骤将根据搜索是否是连续的而有所不同, tenure-track appointment, or for a visiting instructor.

Development of Job Advertisement

From the point at which the search is authorized, the department should begin a conversation within the department, craft the job advertisement, 并将广告稿发送DEI副院长审核通过. All job ads must ask for the following: cover letter, CV, 三篇简短陈述-一篇阐述教学理念和经验, one addressing scholarship including your future directions, 其中一次演讲展示了他指导多元化学生群体的能力, 和 three letters of recommendation. You may also request additional materials such as teaching evaluations, writing samples, 成绩单, 以及其他可以帮助你评估候选人素质的材料. 这可以在提交教师搜索报告I(见下文)之前完成. For AY 2024-25, please send the draft ad to April J. Mayes, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, 和 Inclusion (4月 和 Sabina Klemm, Contracts 和 Hiring Specialist (萨比娜

Once the job ad has been approved, 请注意,它必须放在一个印刷的期刊以及最合适的网络场所. 克莱蒙特学院合作将所有可用职位的一行描述打印在 The Chronicle of Higher Education. 因为完整的广告会自动发布在学院的招聘网站上, 在网络广告中使用缩写语言是允许的,也是可取的, referring potential c和idates to the 教师 Positions Pages for面.

Outreach for Diversity

From the point at which the search is authorized, 该部门应该开始拓展工作,以创造最多样化的候选人池. Outreach efforts could include for example, reaching out to chairs of relevant departments at notable institutions, 和 to ethnic-specific associations of field specializations. 各院系将被要求两次报告其外展进展:(i)在提交教员搜索报告i时, 和 (ii) at the submission of 教师 搜索 Report II.

Striking a 搜索 Committee

The search committee is constituted of departmental faculty, 和 includes two student members 和 one external faculty member.

Meeting with the Diversity Officer

Once the search committee has been struck, 每个搜索委员会将与副院长/多样性官员会面,讨论搜索策略和程序. 遴选主席应联系DEI副院长安排会议. 会议通常与定期的招聘委员会/部门会议同时举行. 该部门的学术协调员应包括在程序的讨论. 最好让学生会员和外部会员也参加这个会议(但不是必需的).

教师 搜索 Report I & 搜索 Budget Worksheet I

在审查任何候选人文件进行搜索之前,部门必须向DEI院长和副院长提交教员搜索报告I. 教师 搜索 Report I asks for the following 8 items:

  1. ground rules for the search,
  2. a search timetable,
  3. text of the job advertisement,
  4. 遴选委员会的组成(包括两名学生成员和一名外部教员), 和 the voting policy for the students (e.g., 1 vote for each student vs. 1 vote for both students together)
  5. an outreach, advertising plan 和 budget,
  6. a description of the screening process (i.e.教学、科研、服务和师徒多样性权重矩阵);
  7. a general format for the campus visits,
  8. anticipated space needs

一旦院长办公室通知检索委员会主席,检索报告I已被批准, the department may begin evaluating c和idate files. At this point the department should submit part one of the 搜索 Budget Worksheet [Excel].

Initial 搜索 Interviews

皇冠体育学院遵守有关招聘和面试的所有联邦指导方针. We are referring to pp. 18-19 of Dartmouth's recruitment manual 作为一个模特. 这些Pages for面, which list acceptable 和 unacceptable areas of inquiry, 在您进行中期搜索面试以确定您的候选人长名单时,将这些信息发布以供您参考.

教师 搜索 Report II 和 搜索 Budget Worksheet II

院系必须向院长和DEI副院长提交教员搜索报告II, short list (10 top c和idates), has been chosen. At the time that SRII is submitted, 主席或学术协调员还应安排前3名候选人(即使他们的名字还不知道)与院长和校长的会议, given that both of their schedules tend to be impacted far in advance. Please contact Stephanie Navarro (斯蒂芬妮 和 Kerry Roccia (克里 to check their calendars, respectively. 一旦他们确定了与候选人会面的日期和时间, 如果需要,设置Zoom链接是部门行政协调员的责任, 和 to send these to Stephanie Navarro 和 Kerry Roccia.

教师 搜索 Report II asks for diversity data, the composition of the c和idate pool, 和 an annotated list of the top ten c和idates. 每个条目都应该包括候选人在前10名中的位置的简短理由. 访问前十位候选人的档案必须随附搜索报告II. Once 搜索 Report II has been approved, 主席应安排与部门的另一次会议,以构建推荐的三个候选人的简短名单. 这份简短的名单应通过电子邮件发送给DEI院长和副院长, 谁必须书面批准,候选人才能被邀请参加校园面试. Part two of the 搜索 Budget Worksheet [Excel] must be submitted as soon as the travel arrangements have been made.

Finalist Interviews

在前三名名单被院长和多元化官员以书面形式(电子邮件或论文)批准后, 候选人可能会被邀请参加校园面试(如果疫情需要,也可以邀请Zoom). During the interviews, the c和idates must meet with the department, the student members of the search committee, the Associate Dean for DEI, 院长 和 the President 和 other interested parties.

The chairs of Asian Studies, Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, Chicana/o/Latina/o Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Gender 和 Women’s Studies, 和酷儿资源中心也应该适当联系,安排与候选人的会面.

系里应该确保所有其他感兴趣的人都知道校园访问的时间表,并有机会看到候选人. 对于具有跨学科兴趣的候选人来说,这一点尤为重要. Please advertise your c和idate lectures in The 克莱蒙特 Colleges events calendar.

教师 搜索 Report III

Before any offers can be made, 该系必须向DEI副院长提交教员搜索报告III 院长 for approval. 教员搜索报告III要求有两部分的推荐,表明

  • 哪些参观过校园的候选人是可以接受的,系里是如何对他们进行排名的,
  • which c和idates are not acceptable 和 why.

Making an Offer

院长和DEI副院长批准教师搜索报告III后, 院长 discusses the recommendation with the President. If an offer is authorized, 院长, in consultation with the department chair, 是否会向成功的候选人提供工作机会,并就聘用条款进行谈判.

After the 搜索

  • Keep all search applications/dossiers for at least one year.
  • 保存终身制职位入围者的申请/档案.e.(2至4名候选人参观过学校)至少四年.

Keep the applications/dossiers of successful c和idates for -tenure-track positions (e.g., one-, two-, or three-year contracts) for at least four years.
